Santa Home Visits
Doctors may no longer make house-calls but Santa does! Santa’s Helper can read your kids a story, drop off special presents, tuck them into bed, help bake cookies or just about anything else you can imagine.
Santa’s Rates
Home Visits
Santa’s Helper can read your kids a story, drop off special presents, tuck them into bed, help bake cookies or just about anything else you can imagine. Home visits last up to an hour.
The cost of a home visit is $100.00 and includes travel within the North Fort Worth, Keller, Justin and Rhome area. Add Spring the Elf for just $50.00.
Neighborhood Party
Tired of waiting for hours in line at the Mall with people you don’t know and screaming kids (maybe even your own) to get a grand total of one minute with Santa? And you can’t even take your own pictures! Why not host a neighborhood party? Santa can come to your house, church or apartment clubhouse and you can spread the cost among the families involved. Santa can hand out gifts, hear wishes, pose for photos, read a story or two and keep the kids and adults busy.
The cost of a neighborhood party is $175.00 and includes travel within the North Fort Worth, Keller, Justin and Rhome area. Add Spring the Elf for just $50.00.
For more information on how Santa’s Helper can visit, go to Santa’s Calendar here (Link to Calendar) or Contact Santa here. (USE CONTACT FORM for link here)
Charities /Churches
Santa can visit your school or daycare for photos, to hear wishes and to educate kids about winter holiday and Santa history. Santa can visit your church group, Sunday school party or other church function. He can talk about the legend of St Nicholas, the importance of giving and will plan his visit to suit your faith tradition.
Santa can also help with your charity event or fundraiser in many different ways.
Santa’s Helper’s rate for churches, daycare, schools and charities is $150.00 per hour. Add Spring the Elf for just $50.00 per hour